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Table 5 Primary Healthcare facilities’ Adherence to WHO vaccine storage codes in Dalocha District of Silt'e Zone, Ethiopia; January 2021

From: Adherence to WHO vaccine storage codes and vaccine cold chain management practices at primary healthcare facilities in Dalocha District of Silt'e Zone, Ethiopia



Primary health workers Adherence to WHO vaccine storage code (vaccine storage practice in the refrigerators)

Frequency (percentage)

Yes (%)

No (%)


Adhere to Code 1:-BCG and measles vaccine in lower basket (n=26)

10 (38.5%)

16 (61.5%)


Adhere to Code 2: T-series and Hepatitis B vaccine in upper right basket (n=26)

12 (46.2%)

14 (53.8%)


Adhere to Code 3: diluents, returned partially used and unused vials in upper left basket (n=26)

7 (26.9%)

19 (73.1%)

Level of adherence to WHO vaccine storage code

Frequency (percentage)


Good adherence to WHO vaccine storage code (n=26)

6 (23.1%)

Fair adherence to WHO vaccine storage code (n=26)

10 (38.5%)

Poor adherence to WHO vaccine storage code (n=26)

12 (46.2%)