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Table 1 Gaps identified in rabies prevention where World Rabies Day can contribute

From: World Rabies Day – a decade of raising awareness

Gap identified

Relevant target audiences

Human rabies prevention:

Lack of awareness about appropriate rabies prevention strategies

Public health practitioners and community members

Animal rabies control:

Poor awareness as to effective rabies control strategies

Animal health workers and community members


Limited availability/accessibility of rabies educational material in poorly resourced countries

At-risk communities, through global networks

Advocacy and communication:

Insufficient dialogue/information sharing among global rabies workers/leaders

Global networks, key opinion leaders and experts, governments

Social mobilization and community outreach:

Insufficient rabies prevention and control efforts because rabies affects “neglected” communities

Local communities

Social mobilization and community outreach:

Lack of priority given to rabies prevention and control at the central level

Local communities

  1. First column extracted and second column adapted from Table 1 in Lembo et al. [8] where World Rabies Day was listed as one of the programmes to address gaps in rabies prevention